The Unemployed Demon Lord – 34


Volume 2, Chapter 6

Although Merlin has no interest in the Church.

But, since he likes to join in on the fun, he went to take a closer look.

Merlin squeezed to the front of the crowd with difficulty, from where he could easily hear the missionary’s voice.

“Have you ever heard of Lucifer III, the First Demon Lord of the Dead Marshes?”

The villagers began to wag their tongues. They all seem to have heard of him.

“A year ago, the Church’s 100,000-strong army went on a crusade against Lucifer III, yet was wiped out instead! There were no survivors!” The missionary sent his spittle flying.

Merlin contemplated for a moment and mused — didn’t the Hero called Alice survive? What’s with the there were no survivors? Was the butt naked girl captured on the beach by cannibals and taken in as a sex slave?

“It’s said that the First Demon Palace’s Demon Lord is ugly and ferocious-looking.”

“Yes, he’s not only ugly, but lecherous, as well. Apparently, the 233th Hero died while being violated by him. How pitiful.”

The village women gossiped happily.

Bullshit! Who’s ugly?

I have you know, this one is known as the proprietress-killer!

Who are you saying violated that washboard Alice?

Forcing women to do this kind of thing is not my style.

Although she tried to seduce me by getting naked, but I’m not some sex-crazed maniac!

A bunch of old women who know nothing but spread damn rumors…

Merlin rolled his eyes and mused, indignant — after a while, will my image among the villagers be that of a stallion?

“That’s nothing. I heard that he is not only lustful, but is also a lolicon. He especially likes lolis under the age of 12. Reportedly, he keeps a group of lolis for his enjoyment underground the demon palace.” A fat aunty joined in on the gossip.

“Oh my goodness, how scary…” A mother hurriedly hugged her 12-year-old daughter for fear that Lucifer III would appear unexpectedly and take her away.

Give me a break!

I’m not a lolicon!

Underground the demon palace, there are just rocks and more rocks! There is no dungeon!

If I really had a bunch of lolis imprisoned for my enjoyment, then why the hell would I leave the demon palace? Wouldn’t that be nuts?

Merlin’s nose scrunched up from anger. His image seems to get more and more distorted. Although he is no longer a Demon Lord, but he is still unhappy that his past image has been dragged through the mud.

“Lucifer III is very powerful and, in fact, is known as the strongest of the seven Demon Lords. Furthermore, he is really close to Great Britain, just across the sea. If he leads the demon army across the Strait of Orkney and attacks Great Britain, do you think you can survive without the protection of the Goddess of Light?”

Sorry, but I never intended to lead an army across the Strait of Orkney to attack Great Britain…

Merlin shook his head and secretly mocked in his heart — that damn belief of demonkin threat again. It makes it seem like demonkin only exist to rule the world and massacre other races for fun.

But, the villagers didn’t think so. After a few sentences, they were fooled by the missionary and revealed looks of panic.

“So, you need to buy a bible to deepen your faith in the Goddess of Light! It’s just one gold coin! You cannot afford to miss this opportunity! Just one gold coin! What are you waiting for? They are on sale! It’s such a bargain! It’s practically a steal! The hardcover bible, which is usually sold for ten gold coins a copy, now only costs one gold coin!” The missionary screamed wildly in a hoarse voice.

“Buy, buy, buy!” The fooled onlookers fished out a gold coin and rushed to buy a copy of the useless book, painting a hectic scene.

Merlin has a strange look on his face, his brows are tightly furrowed, he is seething with anger, his mind is a mess —

Screw you!

Using my name to boost their sales, shouldn’t the Church pay me royalties?

How much money did those assholes make on the sly? Yet they won’t spare me even 100 gold coins…

(╬ ̄皿 ̄)

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